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The bestselling author of such classic novels as Brain Wave and The Boat of a Million Years, Poul Anderson won just about every award the science fiction and fantasy field has to offer. He has won multiple Hugos and Nebulas, the John W. Campbell Award, The Locus Poll Award, the Skylark Award, and the SFWA Grandmaster Award for Lifetime Achievement. His recent books include Harvest of Stars, The Stars are also On Fire, Operation Chaos, Operation Luna, Genesis, Mother of Kings, and Going for Infinity, a collection and retrospective of his life's work.
Anderson, Poul - A Midsummer Tempest - 2014
Anderson, Poul - After Doomsday - 1970
Anderson, Poul - After Doomsday - 1970
Anderson, Poul - After Doomsday - 2015
Anderson, Poul - Among Thieves - 1957
Anderson, Poul - Ashtaru the Terrible - 1953
Anderson, Poul - Backwardness - 1958
Anderson, Poul - Brain Wave - 2010
Anderson, Poul - Butch - 1954
Anderson, Poul - Call Me Joe - 1957
Anderson, Poul - Catalysis - 1956
Anderson, Poul - Conan the Rebel - 1980
Anderson, Poul - Contact Point - 1954
Anderson, Poul - Courier Of Chaos - 1953
Anderson, Poul - Deathwomb - 1983
Anderson, Poul - Details - 1956
Anderson, Poul - Earthman, Beware! and others - 2009
Anderson, Poul - Elliptic Orbit - 1954
Anderson, Poul - Escape the Morning - 1966
Anderson, Poul - Eutopia - 1967
Anderson, Poul - Explorations - 1981
Anderson, Poul - For Love and Glory - 2003
Anderson, Poul - Fortune Hunter - 1972
Anderson, Poul - Garden In The Void - 1952
Anderson, Poul - Genesis - 2000
Anderson, Poul - Genius - 1948
Anderson, Poul - Going for Infinity - 2002
Anderson, Poul - High Treason - 1966
Anderson, Poul - Horse Trader - 1953
Anderson, Poul - Hrolf Kraki's Saga - 2015
Anderson, Poul - Hunter's Moon - 1978
Anderson, Poul - I Tell You, It's True - 1972
Anderson, Poul - In Memoriam - 1992
Anderson, Poul - Incomplete Superman - 1951
Anderson, Poul - Inconstant Star - 1990
Anderson, Poul - Inheritors of Earth - 1974
Anderson, Poul - Inside Earth - 2016
Anderson, Poul - Interloper - 1951
Anderson, Poul - Iron - 1988
Anderson, Poul - Language - 1992
Anderson, Poul - License - 1957
Anderson, Poul - Life Cycle - 1957
Anderson, Poul - Mother of Kings - 2013
Anderson, Poul - No Truce with Kings - 1963
Anderson, Poul - Pact - 1959
Anderson, Poul - Pele - 2001
Anderson, Poul - Planet Stories - 2014
Anderson, Poul - Plato's Cave - 1989
Anderson, Poul - Prophecy - 1949
Anderson, Poul - Question and Answer - 1954
Anderson, Poul - Rachaela - 1953
Anderson, Poul - Rogue Sword - 1960
Anderson, Poul - Rokuro - 1991
Anderson, Poul - Security - 1953
Anderson, Poul - Security Risk - 1957
Anderson, Poul - Sentiment, Inc. - 1953
Anderson, Poul - Shield - 1963
Anderson, Poul - Snowball - 1955
Anderson, Poul - Strangers from Earth - 1961
Anderson, Poul - Superstition - 1956
Anderson, Poul - Survival Technique - 1957
Anderson, Poul - Tales of the Flying Mountains - 2014
Anderson, Poul - Tau Zero - 1970
Anderson, Poul - Tau Zero - 2010
Anderson, Poul - Terminal Quest - 1951
Anderson, Poul - The Apprentice Wobbler - 1958
Anderson, Poul - The Avatar - 2014
Anderson, Poul - The Barbarian - 1956
Anderson, Poul - The Barrier Moment - 1960
Anderson, Poul - The Boat of a Million Years - 1989
Anderson, Poul - The Boat of a Million Years - 2011
Anderson, Poul - The Broken Sword - 1954
Anderson, Poul - The Broken Sword - 2010
Anderson, Poul - The Byworlder - 1971
Anderson, Poul - The Corkscrew of Space - 2010
Anderson, Poul - The Corridors of Time - 1985
Anderson, Poul - The Corridors of Time - 2014
Anderson, Poul - The Covenant - 2008
Anderson, Poul - The Dancer from Atlantis - 1971
Anderson, Poul - The Dancer from Atlantis - 2014
Anderson, Poul - The Day After Doomsday - 2020
Anderson, Poul - The Demon of Scattery - 1979
Anderson, Poul - The Devil's Game - 1985
Anderson, Poul - The Disinherited - 1966
Anderson, Poul - The Gate of the Flying Knives - 1979
Anderson, Poul - The Golden Slave - 1960
Anderson, Poul - The Golden Slave - 2009
Anderson, Poul - The Helping Hand - 1950
Anderson, Poul - The Helping Hand - 1950
Anderson, Poul - The High Crusade - 1960
Anderson, Poul - The High Crusade - 1978
Anderson, Poul - The High Ones - 1958
Anderson, Poul - The High Ones and Other Stories - 2010
Anderson, Poul - The Last of the Deliverers - 1958
Anderson, Poul - The Light - 1957
Anderson, Poul - The Long Remembering - 1957
Anderson, Poul - The Long Return - 1950
Anderson, Poul - The Long Way Home - 1955
Anderson, Poul - The Long Way Home - 2015
Anderson, Poul - The Longest Voyage - 1960
Anderson, Poul - The Makeshift Rocket - 1978
Anderson, Poul - The Makeshift Rocket - 2014
Anderson, Poul - The Man Who Came Early - 1956
Anderson, Poul - The Martian Crown Jewels - 1958
Anderson, Poul - The Martyr - 1960
Anderson, Poul - The Merman's Children - 1979
Anderson, Poul - The Merman's Children - 2014
Anderson, Poul - The Missionaries - 1951
Anderson, Poul - The Nest - 1953
Anderson, Poul - The Old Phoenix Tavern - 2014
Anderson, Poul - The Peacemongers - 1957
Anderson, Poul - The Perfect Weapon - 1950
Anderson, Poul - The Serpent in Eden - 1973
Anderson, Poul - The Soldier From The Stars - 1955
Anderson, Poul - The Tale of Hauk - 1977
Anderson, Poul - The Temple of Earth - 1953
Anderson, Poul - The Unicorn Trade - 2014
Anderson, Poul - The Wing Alak Stories - 2014
Anderson, Poul - The Winter of the World - 1995
Anderson, Poul - Three Hearts and Three Lions - 2010
Anderson, Poul - Three Wishes - 1953
Anderson, Poul - Three Worlds to Conquer - 1974
Anderson, Poul - Time and Stars - 1964
Anderson, Poul - Time Heals - 1949
Anderson, Poul - To Build a World - 2020
Anderson, Poul - To Outlive Eternity and Other Stories - 2007
Anderson, Poul - Trespass - 1950
Anderson, Poul - Un-Man and Other Novellas - 1962
Anderson, Poul - Vault of the Ages - 1952
Anderson, Poul - Vault of the Ages - 2015
Anderson, Poul - War of the Gods - 2011
Anderson, Poul - When Half-Gods Go - 1953
Anderson, Poul - Wherever You Are - 1959
Anderson, Poul - World Of The Mad - 1951
Anderson, Poul - World Without Stars - 2014
Anderson, Poul - The Lady of the Winds (Cappen Varra) - 2001
Anderson, Poul - The Valor of Cappen Varra (Cappen Varra) - 1957
Anderson, Poul - The Enemy Stars (David Ryerson) - 1958
Anderson, Poul - The Enemy Stars (David Ryerson) - 2014
Anderson, Poul - The Ways of Love (David Ryerson) - 1979
Anderson, Poul - We Have Fed Our Sea (David Ryerson) - 2015
Anderson, Poul - Fire Time (Gunnar Heim) - 1974
Anderson, Poul - Fire Time (Gunnar Heim) - 2015
Anderson, Poul - The Star Fox (Gunnar Heim) - 1965
Anderson, Poul - The Star Fox (Gunnar Heim) - 2015
01 Anderson, Poul - Harvest of Stars (Harvest of Stars) - 1993
01 Anderson, Poul - Harvest of Stars (Harvest of Stars) - 2015
02 Anderson, Poul - The Stars Are Also Fire (Harvest of Stars) - 1994
02 Anderson, Poul - The Stars Are Also Fire (Harvest of Stars) - 2015
03 Anderson, Poul - Harvest the Fire (Harvest of Stars) - 1995
03 Anderson, Poul - Harvest the Fire (Harvest of Stars) - 2015
04 Anderson, Poul - The Fleet of Stars (Harvest of Stars) - 1997
Anderson, Poul - And Yet So Far (History of Rustum) - 1959
Anderson, Poul - New America (History of Rustum) - 1982
Anderson, Poul - New America (History of Rustum) - 1982
Anderson, Poul - Orbit Unlimited (History of Rustum) - 2014
Anderson, Poul - The Mill of the Gods (History of Rustum) - 1961
Anderson, Poul - Earthman's Burden (Hoka) - 2013
Anderson, Poul - Hoka! Hoka! Hoka! (Hoka) - 1998
Anderson, Poul - Hokas Pokas! (Hoka) - 2000
01 Anderson, Poul - Roma Mater (King of Ys) - 2014
02 Anderson, Poul - Gallicenae (King of Ys) - 2014
03 Anderson, Poul - Dahut (King of Ys) - 2014
04 Anderson, Poul - The Dog and the Wolf (King of Ys) - 2014
Anderson, Poul - Ghetto (Kith) - 1954
Anderson, Poul - Starfarers (Kith) - 2015
Anderson, Poul - The Horn of Time the Hunter (Kith) - 1963
Anderson, Poul - Maurai & Kith (Maurai) - 1982
Anderson, Poul - Orion Shall Rise (Maurai) - 1983
Anderson, Poul - Orion Shall Rise (Maurai) - 2015
Anderson, Poul - The Sky People (Maurai) - 1959
Anderson, Poul - There Will Be Time (Maurai) - 1972
Anderson, Poul - There Will Be Time (Maurai) - 2015
01 Anderson, Poul - Operation Chaos (Operation Otherworld) - 1971
02 Anderson, Poul - Operation Luna (Operation Otherworld) - 1999
Anderson, Poul - Brake (Psychotechnic League) - 1957
Anderson, Poul - Cold Victory (Psychotechnic League) - 1957
Anderson, Poul - Entity (Psychotechnic League) - 1949
Anderson, Poul - Gypsy (Psychotechnic League) - 1950
Anderson, Poul - Holmgang (Psychotechnic League) - 1955
Anderson, Poul - Marius (Psychotechnic League) - 1957
Anderson, Poul - Quixote and the Windmill (Psychotechnic League) - 1950
Anderson, Poul - Teucan (Psychotechnic League) - 1954
Anderson, Poul - The Acolytes (Psychotechnic League) - 1951
Anderson, Poul - The Big Rain (Psychotechnic League) - 1954
Anderson, Poul - The Chapter Ends (Psychotechnic League) - 2012
Anderson, Poul - The Complete Psychotechnic League, Volume 1 (Psychotechnic League) - 2017
Anderson, Poul - The Complete Psychotechnic League, Volume 2 (Psychotechnic League) - 2018
Anderson, Poul - The Complete Psychotechnic League, Volume 3 (Psychotechnic League) - 2018
Anderson, Poul - The Peregrine (Psychotechnic League) - 1956
Anderson, Poul - The Peregrine (Psychotechnic League) - 2008
Anderson, Poul - The Pirate (Psychotechnic League) - 1968
Anderson, Poul - The Sensitive Man (Psychotechnic League) - 1954
Anderson, Poul - The Snows of Ganymede (Psychotechnic League) - 1958
Anderson, Poul - The Troublemakers (Psychotechnic League) - 1953
Anderson, Poul - Un-Man (Psychotechnic League) - 1953
Anderson, Poul - UN-Man (Psychotechnic League) - 2020
Anderson, Poul - Virgin Planet (Psychotechnic League) - 1970(novel)
Anderson, Poul - Virgin Planet (Psychotechnic League) - 2019(novella)
Anderson, Poul - What Shall It Profit (Psychotechnic League) - 1956
Anderson, Poul - The Complete Adventures of Sam Hall (Sam Hall Universe) - 2015
Anderson, Poul - Rescue on Avalon (Avalon) - 1973
Anderson, Poul - The People of the Wind (Avalon) - 1973
Anderson, Poul - The Problem of Pain (Avalon) - 1973
Anderson, Poul - Wingless (Avalon) - 1973
Anderson, Poul - Day of Burning (David Falkayn) - 1967
Anderson, Poul - The Trouble Twisters (David Falkayn) - 1966
Anderson, Poul - A Circus of Hells (Dominic Flandry) - 1970
Anderson, Poul - A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows (Dominic Flandry) - 1975
Anderson, Poul - A Stone in Heaven (Dominic Flandry) - 1979
Anderson, Poul - Agent of the Terran Empire (Dominic Flandry) - 1965
Anderson, Poul - Ensign Flandry (Dominic Flandry) - 1966
Anderson, Poul - Flandry of Terra (Dominic Flandry) - 1965
Anderson, Poul - The Day of Their Return (Dominic Flandry) - 1974
Anderson, Poul - The Game of Empire (Dominic Flandry) - 1985
Anderson, Poul - The Long Night (Dominic Flandry) - 1983
Anderson, Poul - The Night Face (Dominic Flandry) - 1963
Anderson, Poul - The Rebel Worlds (Dominic Flandry) - 1969
Anderson, Poul - We Claim These Stars! (Dominic Flandry) - 1959
Anderson, Poul - Hiding Place (Nicholas Van Rijn) - 1961
Anderson, Poul - Lodestar (Nicholas Van Rijn) - 1973
Anderson, Poul - Margin of Profit (Nicholas Van Rijn) - 1978
Anderson, Poul - Mirkheim (Nicholas Van Rijn) - 1977
Anderson, Poul - Satan's World (Nicholas Van Rijn) - 1968
Anderson, Poul - Satan's World (Nicholas Van Rijn) - 1969
Anderson, Poul - Territory (Nicholas Van Rijn) - 1963
Anderson, Poul - The Man Who Counts (Nicholas Van Rijn) - 1958
Anderson, Poul - The Master Key (Nicholas Van Rijn) - 1964
01 Anderson, Poul - The Van Rijn Method (Technic Civilization Saga) - 2008
02 Anderson, Poul - David Falkayn_ Star Trader (Technic Civilization Saga) - 2009
03 Anderson, Poul - Rise of the Terran Empire (Technic Civilization Saga) - 2009
04 Anderson, Poul - Young Flandry (Technic Civilization Saga) - 2010
05 Anderson, Poul - Captain Flandry_ Defender of the Terran Empire (Technic Civilization Saga) - 2010
06 Anderson, Poul - Sir Dominic Flandry_ The Last Knight of Terra (Technic Civilization Saga) - 2010
07 Anderson, Poul - Flandry's Legacy (Technic Civilization Saga) - 2011
01 Anderson, Poul - Call Me Joe (The Collected Short Works) - 2016
02 Anderson, Poul - The Queen of Air and Darkness (The Collected Short Works) - 2016
03 Anderson, Poul - The Saturn Game (The Collected Short Works) - 2016
04 Anderson, Poul - Admiralty (The Collected Short Works) - 2016
07 Anderson, Poul - Question and Answer (The Collected Short Works) - 2017
Anderson, Poul - The Last Viking (The Last Viking) - 1980
01 Anderson, Poul - Time Patrol (Time Patrol) - 1955
02 Anderson, Poul - Brave to Be a King (Time Patrol) - 1959
03 Anderson, Poul - Gibraltar Falls (Time Patrol) - 1975
04 Anderson, Poul - The Only Game in Town (Time Patrol) - 1960
05 Anderson, Poul - Delenda Est (Time Patrol) - 1955
06 Anderson, Poul - Ivory, and Apes, and Peacocks (Time Patrol) - 1983
07 Anderson, Poul - The Sorrow of Odin the Goth (Time Patrol) - 1983
08 Anderson, Poul - Star of the Sea (Time Patrol) - 1991
09 Anderson, Poul - The Year of the Ransom (Time Patrol) - 1988
10 Anderson, Poul - The Shield of Time (Time Patrol) - 2011
Anderson, Poul - Guardians of Time (Time Patrol) - 1960
Anderson, Poul - The Time Patrol (Time Patrol) - 2006
Anderson, Poul - Time Patrolman (Time Patrol) - 1983
01 Anderson, Poul - Tomorrow's Children (Tomorrow's Children) - 1947
02 Anderson, Poul - Chain of Logic (Tomorrow's Children) - 1947
Название: Poul Anderson collection of books
Автор: Poul Anderson
Язык: English
Издательство: Different
Жанр: Science fiction, fantasy
Год выхода: 1947-2020
Формат: fb2/epub/pdf
Страниц: 256 books
Размер: 117 mb
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