- Опубликовал: popcorn
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- Просмотров: 1386
The Secret History release their second LP 'Americans Singing In The Dark,' through an alliance between their own La Kalsa Projects and the indiepop activists at Cloudberry Records. Released ten years after their former incarnation My Favorite's indie epic 'The Happiest Days Of Our Lives,' this new LP follows some of the same end of the century characters from that LP into a new age of crisis; growing up, seeking love, making ends meet in a ghetto of broken promises. At the same time the band defies current trends towards unified atmospherics in pop, choosing instead to forge a kind of post-modern car crash of subculture sounds and currents.
The Secret History - Americans Singing in the Dark (2013)
Indie | Cloudberry
Lossless | FLAC | unmixed | 2013 | 45:44 | 103 / 320 Mb
Uploaded: ul.to, turbobit.cc, rapidgator.net
01 Johnny Panic (Forget Everything)
02 Sergio
03 Age of Victoria
04 Eleanor (The City & Sea)
05 Age of Marianna
06 Gideon & the Zeroes
07 Jenny Panic
08 Isabelle & the Music
09 Anthony!
10 Danny Boyd (Low Tide in Harbor Town)
11 Ages of Lulu
12 Sergio (Plastic Flowers Remix)
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