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Друзья сайта » » Deepeople - Who Killed The Plate? (2017)
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Deepeople - Who Killed The Plate? (2017)

Who could've done such a misdeed to break apart what was built in ages (pains)? The killer had a clear motive (reason), pricks were done with a heavy and stabbing object and at exactly the spot where the groove divides one track from another. There were no fingerprints on the chips. However, based on the modern recovery methods it's been succeeded to save few tunes which become the fundament for this album. Who killed the plate - is a kaleidoscope of up to time house music without a concrete direction and realism (pragmatism) just pure energy.
Deepeople - Who Killed The Plate? (2017)
Deep House | FieldFunk
320 kbps | MP3 | unmixed | 27 February, 2017 | 00:55:08 | 130 Mb

01. Pursuit Love Intro 02:00
02. Breakfast 03:29
03. Unicorn Party 05:19
04. Tape 03:06
05. Hurt 05:44
06. Spooky 04:35
07. Africo 08:08
08. Produced From Mass Media 06:16
09. Bifiform 06:42
10. Family Wave 09:45

Deepeople - Who Killed The Plate? (2017)

Deepeople - Who Killed The Plate? (2017)

Deepeople - Who Killed The Plate? (2017)

Deepeople - Who Killed The Plate? (2017)

Deepeople - Who Killed The Plate? (2017)

Deepeople - Who Killed The Plate? (2017)

Deepeople - Who Killed The Plate? (2017)

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